
Artificial Clouds for Qatar 2022

Saud Abdul Ghani, head of the Mechanical Engineering department at the University of Qatar, recently unveiled a special plan for the 2022 World Cup: remote-controlled artificial clouds over the stadiums!

Powered by four solar engines, the man-made clouds would be made of ultra light carbon fiber in an attempt to bring some relief to fans in the stands and players on the field from temperatures expected to reach 122 degrees Fahrenheit (50 Celsius) during the Qatari summer. The cost of this Addams family trick? $500,000.

4 replies on “Artificial Clouds for Qatar 2022”

Are there also clouds that will bring democracy? get rid of the al Thani family that has ruled for decades? Create political parties? recognise that women too are human being? introduce freedom of expression?
If we applied these standards and only countries that met the highest standards of equality, freedom, justice, were to host the Mundial it will be a very small pool of nations and even they will be imperfect- I nominate Iceland- but still…

Alon — don’t know about democratic clouds in the Gulf, but maybe Qatar’s Mohamed bin Hammam has a gadget that will lead him to victory over Blatter in the upcoming FIFA presidential elections?

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