
Goldblatt Draws Crowd at Football Scholars Forum

David Goldblatt, author of the monumental The Ball is Round: A Global History of Football, brought in the largest crowd yet at the Football Scholars Forum. FSF convenor Alex Galarza reports the group had an excellent discussion on globalization, politics, class and capital in football’s history.

The FSF is an academic book club based in the History Department at Michigan State University. Its members have varied research interests related to the ‘beautiful game’. The group brings together authors, professors, graduate students, journalists and fans to discuss works on fútbol in a relaxed setting. Contact the Football Scholars Forum at


Simon Kuper and David Goldblatt Give African Soccerscapes Big Thumbs Up

This weekend football authors Simon Kuper and David Goldblatt published the kind of book reviews that warm an author’s heart.

“Nobody understands the background to African soccer better than the Italian-American historian Peter Alegi,” writes Kuper in the Financial Times. “This World Cup is his moment. His African Soccerscapes crams daunting erudition, gleaned over many years of study of African football, into under 200 pages of history.” Click here to read Kuper’s review.

In The Observer, Goldblatt wrote: “Peter Alegi’s African Soccerscapes is simply the best available overview of the history” of the game on the continent. Click here to read Goldblatt’s review.

Given the good news, today seemed like a perfect day to go to Durban, pick up our World Cup tix and spend the afternoon playing beach football.